Help! My Stone Countertop Chipped. Can I Fix It?

There’s a kind of sick, sinking feeling that comes when that heavy pot drops on your stone countertop and pop, a chip breaks off the surface or a big crack opens up. Ugh. Sure, a scratch is one thing, but what can you do when a sizable piece of your countertop breaks off? How can you possibly repair it?

Take a deep breath: it’s fixable, and chances are you can do it yourself.

The basic procedure is to fill the open area with a glue or epoxy mixture, allow it to dry, and scrape off any excess to ensure a smooth, flat surface that blends seamlessly with the rest of the countertop. We’ll take you through the DIY step-by-step below using materials you probably have in your own home, but know you can also buy repair kits online and in home improvement stores. These kits often contain a clear epoxy (usually in a syringe applicator), all the tools you’ll need to fill in the space, as well as some colored epoxies you can use to color-match your countertop. Make sure you follow the instructions that come with the kit and be sure to wait until the epoxy has fully cured before you touch it, or else you run the risk of a sloppy-looking repair.

If you have a very large chip or crack to fill in, you might want to leave it to the professionals — especially if your countertop could benefit from using a colored epoxy to make the repair look more seamless. Not only can professionals do the job more quickly and easily, they have access to a wider range of colored epoxies that you likely won’t be able to find on your own. Plus, they’re more adept at mixing colors to ensure a flawless finish, whereas it will likely be a lot harder for the average homeowner to mix just the right color for their countertop.

That being said, most small chips and cracks can be repaired in a few easy steps. The method below will work for any stone, including granite, marble, and quartz.


Ammonia-based cleaner

Masking tape

Thick superglue


1. Clean the area around the chip with an ammonia-based cleaner and dry thoroughly.

2. Mark off the area just surrounding the chip with masking tape. This will help create a more flush and level finish, and also prevent glue from getting on the surrounding area.

3. Fill the chipped area with super glue until the glue is level with the surface. Go slow to ensure you don’t spill over!

4. Allow the glue to cure for at least 24 hours. This part is crucial, so be patient! You can mar the surface of the glue if you touch it when it’s still drying, not to mention you have the potential to spread glue past the cracked area.

5. Once the glue is dry, remove the masking tape. Holding the razor blade at a 45-degree angle to the countertop, gently scrape away any excess glue from the area. If needed, you can slowly scrape away glue that came up above the surface of the crack or chip to make it flush with the rest of the countertop.

6. If your countertop has a high sheen, try polishing the surrounding area with a wet piece of 300+ grit sandpaper.

Most countertops can be repaired quite well using a clear epoxy or superglue as described above, as the clear material allows the natural color and texture of the stone to come through. Colored epoxies can help make a seamless repair on some countertops, though it isn’t necessary in most cases. Rather, tinting the filling material tends to make the repair stand out more, so proceed with caution. When in doubt, call in the professionals. They’ll do the job right the first time and will help ensure the repair is as seamless as possible.

Oh, and careful next time you’re slinging those heavy pots and pans — your stone countertop is strong, but it isn’t bulletproof! Be sure to lower heavy objects onto it carefully, and try to place them onto trivets, cutting boards, or other shock-absorbing surfaces. This will also help prevent those dreaded scratches, which you can learn how to fix right here.

Have you done a DIY fix for a chip in your countertop? Tell us about your experieince in the comments!

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